Literature is a textbook of human life. - Chernyshevsky
Literature is a tool to guide people to good. - Longfellow
In the long river of human history, literature is the most brilliant spray. - Victor Hugo

Swiss Fiction - Top100

  1. Harry Potter------J. K. Rowling [UK]
  2. The Brothers Karamazov------Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky [Russia]
  3. A Song of Ice and Fire------George Raymond Richard Martin [USA]
  4. Nineteen Eighty-Four------George Orwell [UK]
  5. Animal Farm------George Orwell [UK]
  6. The Lord of the Rings------John Ronald Reuel Tolkien [UK]
  7. Gone with the wind------Margaret Mitchell [USA]
  8. Andersen's Fairy Tales------Hans Christian Andersen [Denmark]
  9. Galactic Empire------Isaac Asimov [USA]
  10. Le Petit Prince------Antoine de Saint-Exupéry [French]

Swiss Poetry - Top100

  1. If by Life You Were Deceived------Aleks Sergeyevich Pushkin [Russia]
  2. Ode to the West Wind------Percy Bysshe Shelley [UK]
  3. Ode to a Nightingale------John Keats [UK]
  4. To the sea------Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin [Russia]
  5. To a Skylark------Percy Bysshe Shelley [UK]
  6. Had I not seen the Sun------Emily Dickinson [USA]
  7. Because I could not stop for Death------Emily Dickinson [USA]
  8. But thy eternal summer shall not fade------William Shakespeare [UK]
  9. Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night------Dylan Thomas [UK]
  10. I Died For Beauty------Emily Dickinson [USA]

Swiss Prose - Top100

  1. Dawn Blossoms Plucked at Dusk------LU Xun [China]
  2. Dream Pool Essays------SHEN Kuo [China]
  3. Shanju Notes------YU Qiuyu [China]
  4. Moonlight in Lotus Pond------ZHU Ziqing [China]
  5. Green------ZHU Ziqing [China]
  6. The story of Yueyang Tower------FAN Zhongyan [China]
  7. Peach Blossom Spring------TAO Yuanming [China]
  8. An inscription on My Humble Room------LIU Yuxi [China]
  9. The Secret Record of the Small Window------CHEN Jiru [China]
  10. Lushan Ballad------BAI Juyi [China]

Swiss Script - Top100

  1. Casablanca------Michael Curtiz [Hungary]
  2. The Godfather------Francis Ford Coppola [USA]
  3. Chinatown------Roman Polanski [France]
  4. Citizen Kane------Orson Welles [USA]
  5. All About Eve------Joseph L. Mankiewicz [USA]
  6. Annie Hall------Woody Allen [USA]
  7. Sunset Blvd------Billy Wilder [USA]
  8. The Social Network----David Fincher [USA]
  9. Some Like It Hot------Billy Wilder [USA]
  10. The Godfather: Part Ⅱ-----Francis Ford Coppola [USA]
Tao Te Ching
Tao Te Ching
Analects of Confucius
Analects of Confucius